I only have 2 links for you today. Not that there wasn’t other new information out there, but because I feel like writing about these 2.
First up is the “LA Times” with their article entitled “The Zagats of home improvement”. They’re talking about a site (and other like it) called Angies List (https://www.angieslist.com/). Here’s a bit of a description of the site:
Angie’s List, which debuted in Los Angeles last fall and in San Diego a year earlier, is part of a growing number of directories that bring the Zagat approach to the home improvement industry. These directories blend the contact information of a telephone book with frank consumer reviews. Businesses can not nominate themselves, pay to be included or advertise.
The next story is from Delaware Online and they talk about how “Couch-buying anxiety can be conquered”. They say:
Buying a sofa is one of the most important furniture decisions a homeowner can make. Experts say this big-ticket purchase should not be taken lightly since there’s a good chance you’ll own a sofa longer than you’ll own a car.
It really is quite an interesting article. They mention the fact that, as people are getting larger (obesity wise), so too is the furniture getting larger:
The rise of obesity in the United States is another contributing factor in expanding furniture. Nilsen says sofas tend to be bigger “because people are.” She says seating sometimes can be anywhere from one-third to one-half larger than it has been in the past.