Frogs are PESTS!
I’m sorry, but as cute as they can be from far, from close up frogs are definitely just an annoyance.
I have frogs that live in my garden and in the complex where I stay, but thankfully, I don’t have a swimming pool, so I don’t have frogs in my pool. 😀
But, you’re probably not here for any cute frog pictures or photos, I’m sure you’re here wondering how to get rid of frogs, right? Besides, to be honest, these are ugly frogs, and are probably actually toads, as some people in the comments have pointed out.
Here are some reasons why I hate them:
- The frogs croak. And Croak. And ribbit. And croak. AND CROAK. They make a LOUD noise with all their, you guessed it, CROAKING.
- They leave their frog droppings all over the place. Which, I might add, look like rat droppings
- They sit by the light at the front door, which is a pain if you want to go out at night and you have to prevent them coming inside
- Every time I get home, I have to make sure that they are not sitting outside the garage doors, otherwise the damn frogs try jump inside when I open the garage
- I STOOD on one of them last night. NOT enjoyable!!!
- My wife HATES them (in the same way as she hates spiders and snakes) which makes them an even BIGGER pain for me
I’ve asked quite a few people how to get rid of frogs and the only thing they say is: SNAKES
Chances are slim to minus 1 that I am going to go out and get snakes to help get rid of the frogs. I’m also quite surprised the neighbourhood cats are not eating the damn things…
Either way, I don’t necessarily want to kill them, I would just like to prevent the frogs from wanting to stay on MY property.
As the old saying goes, a man’s yard is his kingdom, and there should be no frogs in my yard. OK, maybe that’s not an old saying, but it should be 😉
So, does ANYBODY have any ideas on how to get rid of frogs?
I also have a major frog problem. I am an animal lover ( including snakes and frogs) but I am being driven insane by the frogs that are living by my pool. The noise they make is so loud that cannot hear. We can’t hear each other speak, we can’t hear the TV ( that could be a blessing)we simply cannot relax because of the NOISE. We can’t sleep. They are little tiny brown stripy things. I don’t know what type of frog they are but I NEED them to go away and I cannot fill in my pool! Any advice would be appreciated.
I have much the same problem as Joyce in that I have a jacuzzi in the garden that these pests will not stay out of! Boiled frogs spoil the ambience of a relaxing evening in the pool. Does anyone have a reasonable solution?
These friggin’ frogs are drivin me nuts! It’s been constant roar of croaking for nearly a week. They sound like they must be the size of pumpkins, but they are just these tiny, little things. How can something that small make so much noise? From what I’ve read so far, its just a waiting game. I’m counting the days till it’s quite around here again!
Good luck. It is starting to cool down here where we are, and it seems like the frogs are getting quieter… But have you read my follow up: “Battle with the Frogs”
we have a major in house frog problem! i have read all the other letters and noone gives an answer!! we even had one upstairs in our bedroom last night! does anyone have any idea to help please.
OKC Frog Problem~
I have tons of frogs too. In the front yard and in the backyard. I don’t mind them so much because I don’t have a noise issue. Plus I have very few mosquitos (yay) However, it is difficult to get in and out of the house or garage without taking some out or with me. My issue is they are invading the dogs house so bad that the dogs can’t get in the dog house when it rains, and boy have we had some rain. I have done research and understand they are great for the environment and its a great to know my property is a safe haven. You can’t poison them, don’t want a snake or turtle, and the 3 outside cats can’t take all of them on…I just want them out of the backyard so the dogs aren’t on edge every day and night. So I decided the only thing I can do is get a jar and go catch them and move them to another location. There is a pond close by so that will be there new home. It will be getting hot soon and they frogs won’t last long. They like the cool, damp, and dark areas under plants, pots, wood pile, hay piles. etc. So baiscally you can only make the environment a discomfort so that they will leave on there own.
Wish me luck on the relocation! lol
Good Luck! Pretty cool of you to be relocating all your frogs. Let us know how it goes. Especially how long and how many frogs you moved. 🙂
I have had a lot of frogs in my house this summer. It is very unusual for me. maybe we had a wet spring? Maybe they multiplied on the gypsy moth caterpillars? They don’t bother me, I’d just like to find out how they’re getting in. I usually find them in the bathrooms or the kitchen. Are they seeking out the water once they get in, or are they coming in through drains? Last night, I came down to the kitchen in the middle of the night for a drink of water, and noticed all the paint color cards lined up on my backsplash were moved. (we’re painting soon and I’m trying to pick new colors).
I freaked out because no alse one in the house can reach where I put the cards. Then, I see a little frog sitting on my sponge. The culprit. I always scoop them up in a towel, and put them back outside. Maybe instead of putting them on my back deck, I should put on shoes and send them over to the neighbor’s house…After all, they have a pond. Maybe that’s where they’re all coming from!!
Two things that will help:
1. Reduce their food supply with regular foundation and yard insect treatment.
2. Liberal use of glue boards to trap them near entry points, patios, etc.
You can expect reduction not perfection.
We have just moved in to a new rental home. A frog has been sitting in the drain, driving me bonkers for the last 48 hours! How do I get rid of him?
My 80 year old aunt is very scared of the the frogs that sit on her porch light at her door. I’m so afraid she is going to fall one day trying to get in her home before a frog jumps on her or gets in her home. She leaves a light on when she goes off so it want be dark when she comes home. Ever time she returns there sits one to two little frogs on the lantern light at her front door. Please someone help us. They are little light green to white frogs. Please help!
I really dont like forgs, and they insist on sitting right in front of my front door. I cant even get into my own house! My sister finally advised me to pour Bleach all over the patio, you can mix it with alittle water. They stay away for a couple weeks, then you have to do it again. Also,if you use some form of pesticide I think its supposed to help.
thank you diana, this is great easy advice. we get them in the lounge! the maid is terrified!!! even my husband who used to handle them gently now slings them back on the golf course! we dont seem to have them since the weather has got warmer but i know they will be back and we will be switching to bleach on the floor.
I hate frogs and don’t like them around my house.
I found a website that suggested using a concentrated mixture of salt and water and spraying where you don,t want them to be. Also they suggested using rock salt. I will give it a go, but I first have to find out what it will do to my plants.
Hi Susan. I would definitely love it if you come back and let us all know how it goes with the salt. At least it just keeps them away, as opposed to harming them I guess…
Frogs are driving us nuts around my garden pond. Will salt harm my koi or plants? We are desperate – cannot sleep at night!
Frogs are not scary. They’re not going to attack anyone. They’re just animals trying to survive on a planet that humans think they own. Just put them back outside and step around them on your way through the door.
I have a frog in my drain and the noise echoes through the pipes and is keeping the whole family awake. Hope do I get rid of it. We cannot sleep!
i am terrified of them i was sick once when i saw one. my problemis i love my garden luv everything to do with gardening but problem i live in rainy UK and am terrified of going outsied now. HELP!!!!
I have at least one that croaks so loud, we can’t sleep. Night after night. But I won’t kill anything. I was wondering…since they communicate by sound, (with us anyway) is there maybe a noise that will drive them off? Or shut them up? Yes, isn’t it amazing that the dogs have no interest in them? When I go out to find the sound, they shut up and I can’t find them anyway. It really is annoying.
Full strength white vinegar in a garden sprayer will irritate them to jump out of the plants and into an area where you can net them and remove. Won’t hurt frog or plants. But nothing does the trick like bleach in a garden sprayer. I too used to be a frog lover but they keep invading my pool area forcing me to be a commando frog killer. I picked up a head band spotlight and fill up a garden sprayer with full strength bleach. Just spray directly on frog and they go crazy. They will jump in pool and then net them out and trash them. Bleach does them in.
Thanks Ken. But, as long as the vinegar isn’t painful, that would be fine… I REALLY wouldn’t want to promote something as painful as bleach…
I live in a apartment, this summer they decided not to open the pool. i live right next to the pool. thoes dam frog are so loud, i cant have any company without them asking me how do you sleep at night, the manager of the complex put clorine in the pool, but that didnt help so i am going to tell him about salt rock and vinegar, bleach anything to get rid of the frog. have to get up to early in the morning to be bother by this every night
My gardner recommended that I use sulphur powder, which i did last night all around our pond. I am not sure what this does, perhaps it just kills their food? Does anyone know because I forgot to ask him. The frogs are talking to one another across the pond and it echoes like crazy. They stop suddenly at 11pm at night – not sure why. Perhaps I fall asleep lol. They are a nuisance, but at least mine stay out in the wild and don’t bother me. We have lots of turtles, do they eat frogs, because if they do my turtles must be on a diet….
I am being over run by frogs this year. I live in Arizona and this is the worst they have ever been. I have tiny little ones, medium size ones, large ones and even bigger. It’s like the whole frog population is residing on my patio. I have a 9 yr. old Chow that keeps messing with them and getting that stuff they put off in his mouth and then that creates a whole nother problem. What can I do??? I am worried that my dog will get really sick or I am told he could die?
Why is everyone so concerned about causing a frog pain??? It is just a frog. It doesn’t have feelings or intelligence. Let’s stop imparting human-like qualities to a stupid frog.
Using bleach to kill frogs may seem inhumane but so is running over a frog with a lawnmower or car tire. When frogs invade your pool area – they have crossed the line. I too used to gently net them out and remove to the backyard – but they kept coming back – croaking so loud we couldn’t sleep. Now I can’t stand them.
Just last week I had a new one invade my pool area and start croaking. Within 2 days – there were a bunch of frogs croaking. The other night I loaded up a garden sprayer with bleach and used a spot light to target and kill them. I killed 8 tree frogs dead. Picked them up with a net and dumped them in the woods in backyard.
You can hear a pin drop in my pool area at night.
I too have tried everything in the book and killing them with bleach is 100% effective.
I live in SW Florida and live in a community with man made lakes. We have only lived in our house for 6 months and the frog problem at night is horrible. We too have them on the door frames and lights and garage door. I am totally freaked out by the frogs. They are a very light tan color and tend to blend in with the house. Coming home last night I was terrified to go into the house because I was alone and there was a frog on the front door. When I was able to finally get the nerve up to spray water at it, when it jumped off the door it jumped AT me!!!! We have also had 3 in the house and a couple of baby ones as well. Needless to say we need a way to get rid of the frogs. If we spray the entire outside of the house during the day with the bleach mixture will it keep them off the house? I am not interested in killing them I just want them to stay off our house. Any suggestions? I am desperate!
I’ve been having this problem i have yet to find a solution. The only thing that has worked so for is to gather them all up and/or throw them away or relocate. It took me about 30 min to fin and catch about 15 to 25 frogs that were swiming around in my pool, it tok time but it was worth it!
My neighbor has a freakin pond made special for frogs and its right by the fence. They are so loud my ears are actually ringing. We have a few in our yard but those make NO noise at all, its just the ones around the pond that are annoying the hell out of me. I dont kill animals so thats not an option and Im not about to stock up on snakes so I supose im out of luck. The thing is, even with so many frogs the masquitoes and every other bug you can think of (especially spiders) are horrable. I think i might have to add some salt and vinigar to the water to raise the PH lvl so that they leave cuz there not doing any good and they are driving me f-ing crazy.
Please help me out with all these horrible frogs. they are always on the outside wall and on the garage door and I can’t go in or out the house because of them, please what can I do to get rid of them. I’ll appreciate your help.
Thank you,
I also have a frog prob! The frogs look like this does omeone know what the name of that frog is? Cause I need to get them away from my dog since they are poisenous.
Attention all,
Upon perusing across all your sissy like stories, my Father and i thought it would be of much benefit to drop a bombshell. a bombshell more groundbreaking than Hiroshima. We have the answer on how to dispose of the afore mentioned, “frogs”
All will be revealed shortly. stay tuned. we will now return you to your regular broadcast.
over but not out…
Hi Mikey and Steve. After watching National Geographic and seeing the problems Australia is having with poisonous frogs invading everywhere, I have no doubts your issues are WAY worse than ours, and need a solution a lot more drastic.
I’m keen to hear what you devise, and how it goes (though of course, we’ll need to keep it PG-Rated for this site 🙂 ).
I really like what some people are doing in turning the dead frogs into compost…
Good luck!
Wow! I’m not alone. Here’s one for you. I went to catch one of the frogs croking outside on my above ground pool wall, and I missed him. Guess where he ran to. Do you know the support beams that hold up the pool? Well, when in the pool, stick you hand up to the pool rim where the support beam is. You will find a hole. Yep, that’s where the little buggers hang out in the day time before they come out to tourture us at night keeping me and my family from much needed sleep. After reading these posts, I am going to pour white vinegar down those support beams and after that I am going to add a cup of salt. Hopefully, this will throw the frogs into a comma. Then I intend to take pieces of cloth and plug those holes right up. I am going to buy blace rubber snakes and put them on the rim of my pool and under the footstep of the ladder. I think this should do it. For all of you with above ground pools, I just wanted you to know where those little buggers hide out – in the support beams.
Best of luck to you. I will let you know how all turns out.
It doesn’t solve my frog problem to read about everyone else’s, but I’m glad to know I’ve got company! We live next to a field that has a low, boggy area that stays wet when we have much rain…and in Louisiana we have plenty, usually!! I cannot keep clean windows because at night they are are all over leaving their droppings and urine. Opening a door to go out or come in is hazardous since they seem to feel they’re welcome. I’ve turned my shoe into a fly-swat, and and declared war on them by that method. Of course, then I have to clean up the messings. I will defintely fill up a garden sprayer with bleach and give that a try. Maybe I should spray them with some of our Louisiana Tabasco!
Is that the same thing as Louisiana Hot Sauce? Because that is some GREAT sauce! Couldn’t get enough of it while we were touring the States last year.
Good luck with the frogs (and good luck TO the frogs 😛 )
Yes, “Tabasco” is the brand name made by the McIlhenny Company at Avery Island, LA, first produced in 1868. It is THE hot sauce of Louisiana hot sauces with “Louisiana Hot Sauce” manufactured in New Iberia, LA, since 1928 by Bruce Foods running a close second.
There’s some interesting Tabasco sauce history at Their plant and Avery Island is one of our tourist attractions…very interesting.
There’s also history of Louisiana Hot Sauce at
Thanks for your well wishes on the frogs! I’m not sure how they will fare; not too well, I’m hoping!
Thanks for those links. really interesting info, ESPECIALLY as the Green Tabasco sauce is my favourite on Pizza, and the red is my favourite sauce on seafood and almost everything else that “just lacks that zing”!
We have a pool that has turned into a party place for frogs, especially at night. I have never had a problem with frogs until we moved into our new house. We have tried to be nice, we have ignored them, fished them out of the pool and gently placed them on the other side of the fence and kept our backyard in the dark. But not anymore more, that croaking noise is driving me crazy!!! We have thrown them, flung them over the fence, bleached them, added a crazy amount of chlorine to the pool, killed the food supply, poured salt on them and they are still there. I think I am going to try snake repellant and lime juice. But I am not sure how the snake repellant would work with our dogs???? If this fails, we are going to drain the pool cover it and pray for the best.
Wow Nahdia! Please come back and let us know how it went, in case you find a solution… I’d love to know how the snake deterrent goes.
My Biologist friend Kenji tells me their skin is VERY permeable so just about any thing caustic, acidic, spicy or irritating will do the trick. Pick your poison. I too have a pool and hot tub (Tampa, Fl.) and all the above comments relate. I would rather kill them but I need to do something!!!!!!!!!!!!
I meant to say “rather NOT kill them” John
Ha ha… I’m glad you re-phrased that 🙂
Let me know what you decided to use.
My daughter liiving in Florida has asked me for help with her Frog problems. Research lead me here.
I have heard of a ‘humane’ way to kill them. Catch them, put them in a covered bucket in your spare (garage) refridgerator for a couple of days. They hibernate. Then put them in the freezer. They go to Frog heaven without even knowing it.
Seems like a lot of work. If I were there (I’m in NJ) I would catch a cooler full and bring them to the FL swamps. Feeds the Egrets and Gators.
That actually sounds similar to what the Australians are doing with their MASSIVE toad infestation.
But unfortunately, I don’t have a spare fridge in the garage 😀
Put then in a bucket. Spray automotive starter fluid (ether) into the bucket to put them to sleep. Then you can dispose of them as you like. Either move them, freeze them, or whatever.
I told my daughter about the bleach thing… mopping her patio with bleach to see if that keeps them off. I’ll let you know how it worked.
This message is for ALL the heartless and disgusting HUMANS (or are they human} on this board that just want to kill or torture a living thing. That is what is wrong with our society today. Adults teaching children to kill a living creature just because it is a nuisance to them! God put these creatures on this earth for a reason. And to the idiot that says it is just a frog, does not mean it does not suffer and cannot feel PAIN!
It is sad to realize what we as a society are becoming!
People who think killing animals or creatures is ok, are the same People who could or do end of taking a human life without a thought. Unfortunately Their children learn from them.
LuvsGodsCreatures: pffft, ok I’ll just risk death due to lack of sleep and a potential dangerous profession (electrician) because i shouldn’t take out a few frogs!!!????? are you serious? you would rather me dead than a few frogs?
Frogs/Toads have probably always been around a lot longer than us humans ‘LuvsGodsCreatures’ .. If you live with them .. you would most certainly want to know something more about them. My question is .. If you were to co-exist (live) around them .. How would you do it? .. and still get a good nights sleep too? 🙂 .. You might be right though .. in the sense that the more land we call our own .. the more we lose to nature ..How do you make the difference between what the Frog owns .. and you? 🙂
OK all you bleeding heart liberals win. I will just turn my house over to the frogs.
You’re a vegetarian then, right? Cause you know that a cow, unlike the frog, was bred on a farm for YOU, has been raised from birth to adulthood, for YOU, and killed and chopped up, for YOU to eat. So if you’re not a vegan, you need to shut up w/ your hypocritical pretense.
Is anyone suggesting needlessly killing frogs for fun or sport? NO! Is anyone suggesting killing these frogs out of complete spite, or to just kill them for the sake of killing them? NO. This morning I walk into the shower, turn on the shower, and a damn frog jumps on me. IN THE SHOWER. Yeah, I know some of us are complete and utter wusses and shouldn’t freak out, but I did. And a lot of other people do. So you want me to weigh the consequences: It’s either me slipping and falling in a shower and breaking my neck because I was caught off guard by a damn frog, or I can spray the digusting creature with some bleach that will annoy him to the point that he WANTS to find a way out… and if he dies somewhere in that process, so be it. I think my choice clear in that situation.
Or what about the frog that literally killed itself crawlng up a toilet in my mom’s house? Is that our fault too? Man made the toilet, the frog would have never crawled though it if we didn’t put it there, I guess that’s cruel too then. Damn. F*** a frog. I’ll trade you: You give me insects for my amphibians… insects I can handle. Frogs I cannot. God’s creatues? We all are. Beneficial to mother earth? Of course they are. Cute and cuddly? HARDLY. Even better is having to wash down that waste they secrete through their skin… and it is WASTE… which let’s not forget on some tree frogs are POISONOUS. Now, is it probable that I’m going to come across a poisonous frog in my bathroom? No, most unlikely for all of North America. Is it IMPOSSIBLE? Of course not. So you feel free to come over and pick it up for me, I’ll stick to my brooms and bleach sprays.
On top of that… is the frog an animal in risk of going extinct? Has their been a mysterious major decline in population, like w/ bees? No? The its whatever man. GAME ON. Humans Vs Frogs.
Learn to love the frogs, frog love and peace.
I too have a frog problem plus 8 cats and 3 dogs. I found out from my vet today that some garden frogs secrete a poison from glands on their heads and if this gets into the mouth of another animal, it has the ability to kill that animal. He attended to a pet whose heart had stopped beating – the poison had affected the heart straight away. Usually this poison from the frog makes the animal foam at the mouth but not this little guy. It is still touch and go as to whether his was revived in time to have not suffered brain damage.
If anyone has a safe way of getting rid of frogs in houses, please let us know. I am not scared of them – just want silence at night and to protect my animals!
My parents bought a new house this past winter that has a big in-ground pool out back, and I’ve just gotten home from college for the weeks before summer classes, and this pool has a major frog problem! We were initially afraid they might drown because they couldn’t escape the pool, or that my cats would try to get them and get sick, so we started catching them with the net and taking them to the park behind the house… But they make such a lot of noise, and they come right back! We don’t want to hurt them, so the 3 that my brother and i found in the pool this morning we plan to take over to the park a couple miles off, as it has a swampy/pond area that they may prefer, so everyone can be happy, and so they don’t just come back over! But the vinegar is an interesting idea… perhaps if we sprayed the pool deck with some, the frogs wouldn’t come back in? But I don’t want to hurt the cats or the frogs… It’s nice to know that other people have the same problem though, I was worried we were doing something wrong with the pool maintenance… Thanks for everyone’s ideas!
a big black racer snake was in my pool area eating a frog. I tried to negotiate with the snake to let him know that he was killing one of God’s creatures and that he shouldn’t do that. But I couldn’t seem to get the snake’s attention as he was swallowing the frog. Hmmmmmm. I pondered a moment. I am God’s creature. The snake is God’s creature. The frog is God’s creature. The snake is killing the frog. If the snake is God’s creature and is killing the frog then logically it follows that I must be allowed to also kill frogs.
So I went and filled up my garden sprayer with bleach and killed them all. Every last one of them. Dead. Oh but I didn’t waste the kill. No. I left them floating in my pool and the next morning there was a big Florida crane munching the dead frogs down one by one. Bird didn’t seem to mind the taste of bleach at all and I want to say that when the bird looked at me – it was almost as if it was saying THANK YOU. Ahhhh the circle of life.
I need more bleach. Greenville SC is full of frogs. I can’t hear myself think…even better, they are in my attic! Time for drastic measures.
I thought there was a mating season and this cadence of love and sleepless nights would be shortlived, but from what I read here, I guess not. Im waiting until garbage day to bleach the yard, everything is a target.
After it rains lately my garden has areas of ponding..The freaking frogs are driving me crazy! They come from my neighbors yards on either side of me and the one behind me…Just used the insect spray for flying pests to cut down on the food source which is mosquitoes, then followed with the salt water and vinegar solution around the garden and pool. Also put some in the pool filter hole because a frog was already in there. Guess what??? Nirvana….no croaking on my property, and I think the frogs at my neighbors houses must be scared because they have quited down considerably.
Wow..all this fuss over the simple frog.
They are coming to your doors and windows because you leave a light on which draws mega amounts of food for them. It’s like a free buffet, of course they come. Trust me, they do NOT want to be inside your house, unless you have lots of bugs there too. So if you don’t want frogs…stop feeding them.
You need a light at your front door when you come home at night? Use a motion sensitive light. A light that doesn’t stay on doesn’t draw bugs so it doesn’t draw frogs.
You need a light on in the kitchen or bathroom at night? Use a colored low wattage bulb located away from your windows or use light blocking blinds on the windows
To us frogs and crickets are the night guards. As long as they are singing we know all is well and nothing is creeping around out there. When one accidentally comes into the house we simply pick it up and take it outside, where it wants to be.
In order to coexist with ANY creature, you have to know HOW and you have to WANT to do it.
Oh, Ken…that black racer wasn’t just killing the frog, he was EATING the frog, not the same thing at all.
Also, the crane may have “looked” happy about the frogs, but bleach is a POISON. Depending on how much bleach you used, the poor bird either got sick or possibly died from your “gift”.
If you are going to poison a creature like that, at least clean up the mess and not leave it to kill again.
We live in Tucson and our frogs don’t croke. They sound like the most loud and shrill police whistles you have ever heard. When 30 or more decide to have a pool party you cannot hear anything, even if you are outdoors or indoors and, you do not get any sleep. A few days of sleep deprevation can do terrible things to people.
When my husband is here he does the frog flinging thing but I am here with a broken arm and can’t even fish them out with the net let alone fling anything anywhere. Our frogs only come out at night and stay in the pool so trying to spray them with something is sort of out of the question. If anyone comes up with some sort of solution I would love to hear about it.
I am in the UK. I don’t have a pond or a pool, but I do keep getting frogs in my garden. I don’t want to kill them, but I am terrified of them (I know that logically speaking, they are not going to hurt me or DO anything to me, but I just hate them). To be fair, we don’t get (or at least don’t see) that many of them, maybe three or four a year. But I am scared to go into the garden.
Our garden is just grass, and a couple of apple trees. No plants or foliage – so why do they keep coming in?
I just want a way of deterring them from coming into the garden, so I can be confident of going outside and taking advantage of the few warm days we do get a year.
I don’t want to cause any creature any harm – but just want these things to stay away from me!
Hey all! This has been very entertaining. I just sprayed pesticide to kill the bugs. I watched those poor lil f-ers hop for their lives. I am in constant fear of my puppy eating a frog and dying. I will try bleach tomorrow. Was wondering what kind of effect the bleach will have on my garden. I live on a golf course a plan on bleaching not only my yard but some of the course outside my yard. Someone is dying here and it won’t be my puppy. I keep thinking that one of these days she’s gonna eat a frog and my toddler won’t have his best friend anymore.
i also have pesty frogs, in pool at first i thought it was cute with the children playing with them in the pool but then i started finding tadpoles. Also a neighbor’s pet pooch got sprayed with the poisiness spray from the frog costing her like 3000.00 dollars to save her pet.
Sulphur is an old-time solution to keeping bugs out of a house. People would sprinkle a line all around the outside every spring and after a rain. Repels spiders, roaches, frogs too I guess.
Okay- I did enjoy reading everyones post and I have a question. We moved into a rental home in Southern Florida-heard a lot of frogs the first 2 nights-woke us both up repeatedly. Then it stopped….thought the fun was over until I realized the covered and non working hot tub that was apparently half full of water was loaded with tadpoles. Apparently, I run a frog brothel and now have about 200-300 tadpoles. My question is…is there any type of state funded department that handles this type of situation? As in, relocate or take the tadpoles to one of the habitat prserves or are my only 2 options to a) pour bleach in there and scoop out a bunch of dead lil guys or b) wait til they grow legs and chase them around, put em in a bucket and relocate?
Here’s a response I received via email:
They are not a native species, so I don’t think a nature preserve would want them. Maybe try a pet store. They may be able to feed them to snake or something.
I live in Louisiana. Its bad enough that these little green frogs are all over my front door and when you open it they come inside, but some don’t get so lucky and get crushed in the door. It upsets me cause I don’t want to hurt them but I can’t get rid of them. I will try the sulphur powder and the salt and vinegar.
My frogs are not in a pool but have been found in my upstairs bathroom, where they aren’t wanted or needed.
Wow – never knew anyone else had this issue. I can see my entrance lights and pool are the problem. Will try white vinegar first, then if no help, the bleach. Yes, I value my dogs and grandchildren and home more than the frogs. They are a poopy mess. We have tried relocation back into the woods (and towards our neighbor’s pond), but they come back.
Salt – buy a 80lb or more bag of salt run it across the border , \ I remembered as a kid Slugs and frogs tend to melt with direct contact in salt – there is a citric spray also for gardens – highly recommended for noise in the area – salt to keep out of the pool .
I have a rock border around the fence I keep salt around so it doesnt wash away
For all of you who who claim to love all beings and wish no harm to frogs, you obviously do not live in a frog infested household. I for one, do not wish to wake up to frogs in my bed, in my shower, on my kitchen floor or sitting atop my coffee maker. I did not just build my house in “a frogs front yard”. I bought this house from in laws that was built 50 years ago. They claim to have never had the infestation I’ve had for the past 2 years. They hang out in my refrigerator, sink and shower. I do not care to share my house with them. I pay the mortgage, they do not. I have had a childhood phobia of frogs since the neighbor kids used to chase me with bullfrogs. They thought it was funny when I would get terrified. I can’t even spend time on my porch in the summer or water my plants since the frogs have taken over. It’s very depressing to have such a fear of a little creature that robs me of the pleasure of my home, but nonetheless, it exists. Now I am seeing snakes on my porch, most likely they are there to feast on the frogs, but they are my #2 phobia. I feel like a prisoner in my home. If you “animal lovers” wish no harm to any beings, have some sympathy to us humans who are being overrun. We too, are Gods creatures and deserve to live in harmony.
I have a salt water pool and have only found a frog that I think fell in. I do have a water feature though that has a loud frog or two every year that I would love to get rid of. These are very loud. I can’t imagine those of you that have have to tolerate more. The salt must keep away the frogs.
Huge problem in my neighbours pool . Right next to my bedroom. I used to shoot them until that tennant moved.that is the fastest andmost permanent way.I put a litre of kerosene in the pool last week it worked for two days, then more frogs came.
The frogs that end up in my swimming pool either drown or are done in by the chlorine. The ones in my outdoor fish pond are another story. They just keep multiplying! I think re-location to the town lake, or nearby river is the only solution. However if they eat the algae and the baby goldfish maybe I’ll just welcome a few of them.
frogs are so cute!! your wife should get over herself. trust me.. i’ve tryed to pick them up countless times, they are so cute. XD and sometimes i wouldn’t catch them…they hop away. I can tell they are frightened. well…humans can see through their camo. lol
I heard that farmers is ROCK salt and lay it around the circumference of your yard, as it can get costly but its the only thing that I heard that works, but if you live in south florida like me, it rains all the time, so that sucks for me….
I just took the advice of bleach! I decided to make the kill after i sat on my swing and the stupid things were hiding out in the pads! Like 10 of em! and the poop on my windows and screens! UGH!
I pay the morgage on the place! When they start paying me some rent and cleaning up their poop, they can stay! until then….BLEACH THE SUCKERS!
…bleach won’t attract ANTS, but vinegar will make the ANTS takeover. If you throw vinegar on the problem, the frogs will go away, millions of ANTS will appear and you’ll be in further trouble with ANTS and NO frogs to eat them. Do bleach. Don’t kill your plants though. Careful.
You all should stop being so cruel. there is only one sensible mail on this board and you should take note of it. Use a sensor porche light, collect them up and take them further away than just over the fence at least 10km, and shut up
The problem is that in my part of the states (AZ) these toads are poisonous to dogs/cats. I kill the toads now with my shovel so they don’t kill other dogs in the neighboorhood. I have had 12 encounters this summer alone and almost lost my dog 2x. I need to find ways to keep them out. They burrough into the dirt and then leave huge holes when the come out for monsoons. I hate these darn toads. They’re fat, ugly and obnoxious. I do not want to harm the other wildlife though that I like around my garden/landscape so vinegar and bleach are definitely out of the equation for me.
Frogs killed my job due to constant lack of sleep.
The noise for 10 years was unbearable! No sleep at all!
Frogs have cost me my job and my family.
Frogs have cost me over $700,000 in lost earnings over ten years.That’s right $700k! I tried for years to relocate from my owned home, but my wife finally took the kids and left me. Now I’m a renter on a meagre pension.
But guess what? no frogs in the flat!
I live in Johannesburg South Africa and yesterday I had my third Rinkals, a rather poisonous snake with similar behaviour as the much dreaded Cobra. This is all because I have got loads of frogs in my garden. I tried salt water on the frogs but that hasnt helped much at all so today I will resort to bleach as well. I have 2 dogs and I fear the snake will bite my dogs.
Looks like snakes have also made it into my garden. So, I’ve been joking all these years that the only true way to get rid of frogs is to get a snake, and now they’ve arrived of their own accord.
I’m just curious as to why it took them so long (not that I want them).
I’d also love it if anybody could point me to a website that would help me identify the snakes we have. I reckon it’s not a rinkhals because it doesn’t look like the photos on the net.
Found the following on the internet…
Caffeine has been approved for experimental usage in Hawaii as a pesticide. It is still in the experimenting phase as the affects on the ecosystem need to be observed. But early research showed a 2% solution of caffeine killed 100% of the frogs exposed to it. It causes irregularity in their heartbeats (heart attacks). It also killed a bunch of snails, slugs, and lizards in the testing area. A 2% solution is 125 times stronger than cola, so that would also mess a human up pretty badly. But you can use leftover coffee, which is about 0.1–0.05% concentration, to deter frogs. This solution will not kill them, but it may scare them off.
WOW! That is REALLY interesting info. Could get expensive, and I’d hate to see a snake high n caffeine, but it’s an option 🙂
Wow… didn’t know people had all sorts of problems with frogs. I have a bit of a unusual issue. A year or so ago a baby frog fell in to the drain outside my basement. The frog obviously survived cuz there was plenty of food. But last month when we had tons of rain in dc/md area my basement was flooded. For the longest time i couldn’t figure out where the water had came in from. I had numerous people come to the house and try to figure out. Everyone pointed it to the drain. After spending so much money on clean up. One day I had a plumber check the outside drain. The plumber pulled lots of dirt and gravel come to find out the frog had over the last year or so collected both and made a cozy place to hibernate. But that cozy place caused me lot of stress and tons of money. So here is my question? How can i catch this frog because it swims in to the drain pipe whenever i try to do something and this drain pipe runs underneath the house and leads in to the sump well. I can try the bleach/salt or whatever the other options are i just don’t want the pipe to get stuck again and have another flood in the basement. Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks 🙂
Well, after read the whole blog, no one mentioned AMMONIA, that works perfect for me, the sissy’s mother, I hate them at all, I am animal lover, but after known that a Poisonous Bufo Toads killed a dog on my neighborhood, (I live in South. FL and the toad is only found in U.S. in Florida area).
I decided to put AMMONIA around my backyard’s fence. I don’t let my dog go out by himself.
AMMONIA is cheap, and you can put it on rags in specific places.
You have to do this at least twice a week, spray the rags with the AMMONIA and if they skip the rugs I spray them with it. Frogs hate ammonia.
Let me know if this works for you.
I live in south africa and I also didnt realise that frogs are an international problem. I have a tenant in my house and the rental ls my pension, he is thinking of giving notice due to the terrible noise that the frogs make. I filled in 2 fish ponds last week and hoped that would solve the problem but, last night the noise was unbelievable from the pool. i have hoisted out 4 mating pairs fromthe pool and I will relocate them tomorrow but, my pool maintenance man also says coarse salt is the answer so I have put a line of salt all aroud my pool today and I am keeping my fingers crossed. I just have to say that I sympathise with all you guys out there and although it doesnt solve the problem at least I know that there are people that understand the horrific noise they can generate and the consequences that it causes.
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Anyone want frogs? I got plenty here in Pretoria SA. They use to drive me wild by calling to each other in the mating season but don’t seam half the problem anymore. i have identified two speacies of these amphibians, the loud croaking ones are the common Toads (African) and the others are relatively quiet what looks like mascarene grassland frogs. the toads like the conditions in my fish pond but do not spend that much time in it (in fact they seem to only get in the water when they are actually mating and laying eggs). At one stage it had seemed that they had launched an all out assualt on our house with them croaking from several areas surrounding the house (the swimming pool on one side, the fishpond on the other and from the neighbours fish pond on the western side, the noice was unbearable and continuous. The latter smaller and true frogs spend most of there time in the water or at least sitting on bricks or ledges protruding out of the water. As I determined that the toads are the ones that are really very loud (especially when there are a whole bunch of them together), we decided that they had to go. My wife (with the assistance of our two yorkies of course) andf I decided to catch these toads and release them in the Moreletta Spruit/stream/rivelet that is only a few 100m from our home and probably where some of them would become prey for the Owls and cane rats and civets and catfish in and around the riverlet. So far after having relocated round 80 to 100 of the toads the result is quietand peaceful nights. The “mascarene grassland” frogs are true frogs (not toads) and they virtually make only soft cute croaking noices. The toads had (and the individuals still around probably still will) used the pond to breed and boy did they proliferate, I have had literaly thousands of tiny toads grow from tadpoles in our fishpond and there was a time when you could find a tiny toad under evry bush/plant/stone in the garden but very few of them reach maturity as they are eaten by the birds, geckos, slinkies and other lizards (and ants and other insects too).
A year ago I found several small brown house snakes in my garden and one particularly, on my patio . This type of snale is harmless to humans and even to my dogs. A month ago my two small yorkies (1.5 kg size….who love to persue small bugs and geckos and frogs(of course)) grabbed my attention by their barking outside one night. Upon investigating I found it to be a brown house snake that they had cornered and if it was one of those that I had seen (and left) in my gardena year before, it had grown in size tremendously in the past year (about 25mm diameter body and 1.25metres in length). It probablybecame that size by eating the numerous small toads in the garden. I relocated it and released it in the front of our garden to safety and to where the dogs seldom are allowed to roam.
Thus regarding noisy frogs, we have had success by finding out which are the noisy ones (and yes the toads are the ones that also come into the house…often) and catching as many of the adults as possible and releasing them into the wild (Moreletta stream) and by allowing a” human friendly” snake to go about its survival business in the garden. The remaining true frogs in the pond don’t bother us at all even though the pond is only about two metres away from our bedroom. However we will probably have to go through the same catch and release program every year or two in the future.
We have also seen a night adderthat will also eat toads/frogs in our garden but although it is poisonous, it certainly is not in the same league as the rinkhals.
Remember that toads give off a slime that can be toxic to dogs if they catch them by trying to bite the toad. The slime irritates the dogs wet tissue (such as the inside of the mouth) when it comes into contact with it, for large dogs this is not too serious but for smaller types (like my yorkies) it can apparantly be fatal. Although I have read that this is especially so with some toads in North America judging from the reaction from my dogs when having tried to bite a African toad, it is likely to be a similar situation here. After briefly coming into contact with the slimey toad, they spit and cough and try to rub the slime/taste(?) out of her mouth. if it happens and we see the reaction we rinse out there mouths with cold tap water and that seems to alleviate the problem (we have since trained them both not to bite the toads but rather to persue the geckos/lizards).
I Don’t know where you guys are, but here, in Queensland Aus. all we have is Vane toads but frogs are endangered and we all want to run over cane toads as a weekend sport when it’s raining
WOW, that was GREAT information. If you could take photos of the frog, toad and snakes it would be GREAT! I would love to be able to identify what species of each we have…
I live in Brisbane Queensland and because of all the wet weather we are having, my gardens being overun by green tree frogs and toads. Can’t sleep at night because of the noise. Goes on from when it drops dark around 7pm until 4am in the morning. I know they are good for the garden, but how do you shut the bloody things up. Tried catching the little sods and move them into the bush about 100M away but they just return the following night. Can I fit some deterrent in the garden which frogs here and they move on? I know about deterrents to get rid of garden moles but surely they must be something out there to move the frogs on.
Not only do now hate frogs, I would gladly see them wiped off the face of the planet. I wouldn’t even care if it meant other bugs would overrun us, as long as they kept their damn mouths shut!
Killing frogs doesn’t only not bother me, but gives me immeasurably large amounts of pleasure and joy. If I could get paid to kill frogs all day I would be the happiest person alive. One day I will produce a movie directed by Quentin Tarantino entitled “Kill Kermit”.
To all you frog lovers out there, please turn your speakers up to about 3 billion decibels and then duct tape your ear to them, so you can also enjoy the sounds of your majestic frogs that you love so much.
Frogs will NOT come if you DO NOT…
#1. Provide food for them.
#2. Provide breeding pools.
#3. Provide a convenient home near #1 or #2.
If you have a frog problem, then you are doing at least one (if not all) of the above.
It doesn’t matter how many frogs you relocate, if the situation at your home isn’t changed, new frogs will simply move in to join the ones you missed.
Being frightened of them or complaining about them will NOT make them go away. You MUST do something about the environment or you’re just wasting time.
Frogs getting into your house?
#1. You’ve got holes in your structure. DUH!!
Frogs cannot open a door or window, check your structure for entrances and seal them up. Don’t forget the eves, vents, and open drain pipes all of which should at least have a screen cover. Check window screens for holes, a simple needle and thread will easily seal small holes.
Anyone who thinks the night should be silent has lived a very sheltered life. There are just as many noisy creatures at night as there are in the day. You just have more human noises to drowned them out.
There’s nothing more lonely than the sound of silence in the night. Personally, I’d rather have the frogs, crickets, coyotes, and owls, a simple box fan will drowned out the over exuberant ones.
Hi, I have just read the whole frog blog. I live in outback NSW, Australia and NO, I do not willingly provide food for them……Nature does it for me! My problem is that my bathroom is filled with little brown frogs and appart from them pooing everywere every night they come out to the lounge and hop around pooing too. They also attract snakes, but the only snakes we have around here are highly poisonous Brown and Black snakes….not the sort you want hanging around. We have already had one in the bathroom……very scary and a few chiped tiles later it was dead. I can live with snakes and frogs outside, but when they invade MY HOME they must die!!!!! The biggest problem I have are the ones living in my loo. I just cant put bleach down the loo every time I flush and we also have a septic which the bleach will harm. What else can anyone in the big wide frog world suggest for loo frogs? We also have green tree frogs that live in our drains outside and I have had to learn not to pour the boiling vegi water down the kitchen drain cause it kills the frog which then bloats and blocks the drain….more hassle that pouring water into a bowl to cool. I do love frogs and think they are cute, but when they come in such pauge proportions they are a pain in th a#*e! Happy frog hunting fellow sufferers
I also live in country NSW. I have 2 beautiful bright green frogs which live in the under rim of the toilet. I flush before I use the loo, but they hang on for grim life. Have just the the blog above, what does the bleach do to the septic? I’ve just poured bleach down the loo and shut the set, in case I can get rid of them
I tried the bleach and it scares them away but the bleach in the squirty bottle went off after three days and now sqirts brown goo everywhere!!! maybe not the best idea…..apart from that……it stank!. We have just tried the most successful idea yet, we put half a chlorine stabalizer tablet into the cistern and all frogs gone!!!, and it lasts for ages…..and cleans the bowl…..bonus!.Still get frogs in bath and sink but I cant get the whole family to remember to keep the plug in and the frogs have pushed the plug out before so I will try some different tricks and let you know.
Frogs entering drains can be stopped with a screen cap on the entry point of the drain…don’t trap a frog inside the drain! lol
Frogs on porch and around lights…use motion sensor lights that only come on when you walk up instead of leaving one on all the time…which draws bugs…which draws frogs.
Make a really strong cup of coffee…double espresso would be best. It should be CAFFEINATED coffee. This beverage will have a 2% solution of caffeine. This strength will kill a frog in about 30 minutes if you spray it on him. It will send him into cardiac arrest because their skin is so porous. You don’t have to kill them, just spray the coffee all around the area the frogs frequent. They will avoid the area like the plague! Give it a try…it’s a natural deterrent for frogs.
I’m in Aust and I also have the same problem – green frogs, tiny pale brown frogs, little dark brown striped frogs and heaps of geckos as well. They arrive every evening on my front and back decks and sit around the damn doors and on the walls, above the doors ( I’ve had two frogs jump or land on me when I went out the door- I nearly died of fright) and also geckos have fallen on me.
I don’t use this for geckos but I do for frogs and toads – I bought a lg bottle of Dettol, poured it into a spray bottle and keep it handy – spray directly onto the frog or the toad and they go crazy and jump away – for tadpoles, spray into the water that they’re in. I’ve found cats are the best thing to get rid of geckos, the only problem is the cats have to be fairly young because they have to be able to jump or climb up fly screen doors or whatever to get to the geckos. Hope this helps.
Fish and lillies also in our pond. How to use detol, vinegar etc. without harming these?
To whatever idiot said toads are harmless, I’d like to correct you.
They have a poison that they secrete through their skin, and that they can spit. If you dog eats it, or even comes in contact with in, depending on the size/exposure, they will become very il, have seizures, and can very easily die unless rushed to a vet.
The best way I’ve found to get rid of them is to make their experience on your property as unbearable as possible. Since I have no sympathy for them, almost killing one of my dogs, I just get them with Chlorine and Bleach. They don’t enjoy it, and leave.
To all these people that “love” your toads and frogs, I really hope you don’t have any other pets that you care about.
I want to share that. My little friend dog is at the hospital right now. I have a 600 bill to pay, just because he licked a Bufo frog, that is very common here in Florida. So, for all the people who does not have the problem, don’t talk about what you do not know.
This method is very effective and does not injure frogs. First do not tell your neighbour what you did when the frogs dissapear.
Get yourself a pump up sprayer. Wearing rubber gloves pour in 2 pints of ammonia, one pint of bleach and 1 pint of water.
Then simply spray all the areas where frogs are. Your garden and over the fence on your neighbors garden.
This will cause the frogs to move to another area, within a couple of day’s you will have no croaking frogs and you will have your quality of life back that you lost when the frogs moved in (could be aliens).
The also deters cats and rabbits. and will last for months.
Good luck
Don’t ever mix bleach with ammonia, the mixture emits a toxic chlorine gas that can kill you.
Lots of talk about bleach, salt etc. I don’t mind killing frogs in my yard as there are hundreds. I also have a pond with Vinca around it so they LOVE it. I had to pour bleach in the pool in the other day to kill thousands of polywogs! BUT what can I pour in the pond that will kill or make the frogs uncomfortable enough to leave it without harming the fish? PLEASE, any suggestions!
Ammonia and Chlorine deffinatly works on fixing the frog problem. They simply move on. This also goes for cats, dogs and rabbits and noisy crickets. Yes I agree you must take care when using it and yes it is toxic if you drink it.
Over the last quarter of a century from time to time I have used it without any problems. I suppose you got to ask yourself Am I prepared to mix bleach, chlorine and water then use it to fix the frog problem or just keep putting up with noisy frogs for the rest of your day’s (sorry, nights).
Sorry I stated Bleach and Chlorine I should have said Bleach and cloudy ammonia.
Unfortunately with regards to fish in the pool adding ammonia will kill your fish along with everything else. It is just like an aquarium that goes into what they call reversal. That is Levels of nitrate turn into a more toxic Nitrite and ammonia.
Regards Bruno
Actually ,many species of frogs are becoming extinct due to us wreaking their habitat and if it wasn’t for our stupid pools, they would not lay their eggs there, and would therefore not be in our yards. And they CAN feel pain and suffer, and YOU are not going to die from lack of sleep-wear earplugs!!!
And, it is the “cane” toads that are deadly to dogs and sometimes cats—and they mostly live in Florida, if in the US.
OMG, I don’t feel so alone now! Hundreds of frogs, can’t sleep! Husband ouside now with the sprayer and bleach,hope it works. We have a salt waterpool and they love it. Hope they dont bring the snakes. Suppose to rain again tomorrow, more forgs?? Thanks for all the help. I didn’want tokill them at first,but I am soooo sleepy andthey are sooo loud and I have a dog that I love and would blame myself if he was killed by a frog!!! Tried to relocate them, but they come back. Bleach, please work!!!
Working 4 weeks on and one week off and coming back too bloody frogs again .If they only sang the rainbow connection !!!! Digging up the pond tomorrow .
i have tones of frogs in my pool and i caught them all and there where 16 i put them in a creek and the next night there were more in my pool
%#$%!! these frogs are SOOO LOUD – they are hanging out on my pool cover which i just spread a gallon of bleach all over. They moved off the cover for now but they are still out there…just further away so it is less loud
Here’s my tale to add: We have two cisterns in our house in the Caribbean (a large one for the main house (38k gallons) and one for irrigation (17k gallons)). And they were literally infested with Cuban tree frogs. What was worse was that because they were raised in complete darkness their eyes were HUGE, grossly oversize and really freaky. I discovered them when I lifted the access tile on the large cistern and looked down only to see 50+ freakish frogs staring back at me! Anyhow, we just paid $1k to have both cisterns drained and scrubbed with bleach, power washed and then treated with something. $1k may sound like a lot, but it is little compared to the thousands of dollars of water we had to pump out in order to do the work. The company that did the work says that the treatment (plus the other things like mesh screens over all drains) done every 3 months will keep them out. If safe, I will have them do it every month just to be sure. I’m considering adding something else to the water, though, like a little bleach — I know, I know, if it’s too much it will make people sick (although we drink mainly bottled water anyhow), but maybe just a cup in the 37,000 gallon cistern. Does anyone have any thoughts as to whether the slight smell of bleach will repel them if they somehow get close to the water (like if one happens to get through the wire mesh on a drain and into a pipe? Or does it just kill them if they get it on their skin? Any other thoughts? I will tell you, it was making me sick every time one of us showered for the few days between when I discovered them in the cisterns and when I could have them removed. And I cringed to think how bad things would be if one died down there (and of course some would, eventually). But we had no choice, really. I will tell you, though, I don’t ever want to open the cistern lid again only to have fifty or a hundred freakish frogs staring back at me, knowing that were many more (nor to have to throw out my water again and pay for another scrubbing)!
Hi, on someone’s recommendation on this website I used a pool chlorine tablet in the cystern – worked a treat.
Those of you advocating spraying frogs with bleach, vinegar, or other chemicals or the outright killin of them by other means absolutely sicken me. And the weak rationalizations you give for doing so are just as pathetic. They are harmless animals that are simply trying to exist like everything else.
To “hope you are vegan,” your argument that frogs are not in decline like honeybees
shows complete ignorance. Amphibian species are crashing across the globe. For a starting point try reading there are some other links on there that are more reliable than Wikipedia.
As a person you are 100x the size of a frog. What harm can it do? The argument that
some frogs have poisonnous skins is just as spurious unless you are planning on ingesting these treefrogs. I you are in North America this is of little consequence since few if any
species of treefrog is poisonous. Some toads are but again unless you plan to eat them you needn’t worry. As to your pets how about just being a responsible owner and keeping an eye on your pets?
In short, all of these “justifications for killing frogs are based in ignorance and irrational fear both of which should make you grossly ashamed.
First of all alexjca and Chad- the harm a frog does is as a nuisance, responsible for sleep deprivation . Sleep deprivation leads to erratic behavior and I can just see myself going off on both of you for your STUPID remarks. YOU come and spend a week at my place and tell me how much you like it before you go making judgment statements. There are thousands of frogs living in the levees and marshes around me. They don’t need my real estate to stay off the endangered species list. Your ignorance and lack of empathy for other people’s needs is what sickens me. And FYI- ear plugs don’t work, I’ve tried them.
Here’s my solution which seems to be making some headway. I have spring peepers , they are the small green or brown ones that stick to the sides of the pool and hide in any crevice you can imagine. The property I just bought has been vacant for year, so you can imagine the population explosion. I have had some success at keeping them quiet at night with random light and noise. You can get timers for this.
The best thing I did though was when I drained and cleaned the pool. I didn’t drain it to the bottom, but left about 18†of water in the pool, then went out at night with a headlamp and bug net (Not the kid’s version, but the entomologist version. It is heavier and has a deeper cone.) I netted and killed 30 frogs that night. The noise level dropped to almost nothing. Then I finished draining the pool, left it dry for a week and refilled it. After I refilled it and conditioned the water I super chlorinated it; and when I say “super†I mean super. I have a 20,000 gal pool and I added 3 packets of Shock n’ Shimmer and 4 gallons of bleach. It is now 3 weeks later and the frogs still die when they sit for a while in the water. I’ll find one or two dead ones a day and dip them out. I smile as I do this.
While I have been waiting for the pool to be usable again I have had a chance to clear the surrounding area of debris and overgrown brush. Since I have done this I have not had a problem. We’ll see what happens as the chlorine level drops and, of course, next year when mating season rolls around again.
If it is at all possible to live without your pool for a month I highly recommend this method.
@peeper reaper. You are the idiot that moved next to water. If you don’t like the frogs then move.
I do live in a wetland areaarea and we have many frogs. I moved there because I love the sound of the frogs. I have no trouble sleeping even when the chirping comes from right below my windowsill.
Your arrogant comment that “they do not neesd my real estate to stay off the ESL” only further reveals what kind of person you are and the fact that you take pleasure in killing small creatures only further reveals what kind of miserable human being you must be. I pity you. I hope that you see someone about your joy in killing. It hints of a gateway to a particular pathology.
@peeper reaper. You are the idiot that moved next to water. If you don’t like the frogs then move.
I do live in a wetland area and we have many frogs. I moved there because I love the sound of the frogs. I have no trouble sleeping even when the chirping comes from right below my windowsill.
Your arrogant comment that “they do not neesd my real estate to stay off the ESL” only further reveals what kind of person you are and the fact that you take pleasure in killing small creatures only further reveals what kind of miserable human being you must be. I pity you. I hope that you see someone about your joy in killing. It hints of a gateway to a particular pathology.
@ the electrician who supposedly lost his job, house, and family because of frogs…I lost a job too because it was hard to sleep due to flashing lights, alarm systems, and other noise all supplied by electrical power. Also, one of my friends lost their house due to an electrical fire. Am I justified in spraying an electrician with bleach until it kills him?
Ok, let’s keep this friendly. No personal attacks. I don’t want to have to close the comments here.
I’d rather not kill frogs, but I can understand that there is seemingly “no other choice”.
If you have ideas on getting rid of frogs, whether it is “humanely” by the frog lovers and “not frog friendly” by everyone else, put them here.
If you disagree with someone’s idea, say why. Do not attack anyone personally…
Salt water Salt water Salt water. I sprayed a thin layer around the rim of my pool and on the liner above the water line. They were gone the next day
Lanny, thanks for the post. Was it seawater or water with salt dissolved in it? And if the latter, was it table salt dissolved to the max salinity?
Do check back and post whether or not you continue to be successful — either way (there’s no disgrace if they adapted on you, it’s nature’s way and perhaps why we are at the top of the food chain (despite occasional evidence to the contrary)). If salt water does indeed work, you will have solved several peeps’ problem and have saved many frogs.
-JohnB (from Cistern post above)
I want to KILL all these frogs… I can’t find them in the pool during the day but at night I ahev about 5 to 10 in the pool making enough noise for 100 frogs.. Is there a way to attract them into a bucket or something hanging on the side of the pool.. This way I could take and place them in the trash can.. let them ribbit at the land fill….
To the butthead Morgan: I own my porch not the world!! And my dad was a abusive dad and took pride in terrifying me with anything he could. He thought it was funny to put frogs down my shirt!! It’s not that I hate them! I just am afraid of them jumping at me! It’s called irrational fear from traumatic stress as a child! So don’t be such a jerk Morgan! I’m sure you are slightly scared of something just as stupid!
Just throw bleach on em ! It doesn’t kill them just sends them away running/hopping away!
Brittany you are sadly mistaken. The bleach actually causes a very prolonged and painful death. Amphibian skin is very thin and permeable. The bleach essentially creates a chemical burn. With enough concentration the bleach can cause hemmorhaging. Several hours later the frog dies after significant suffering. If you don’t believe me dip you finger in some
bleach and then do not wash it off.
Frogs eat insets and other pests. You should be glad they’re around.
Frogs eating insects and other pests in no way disqualifies them from beings “pests” themselves. The armadillo eats fireants on our property … they are BOTH pests, just as the frogs and the insects! I do not want mosquitoes flying in when the door is opened, but neither do I want frogs leaping in or getting squashed between the door and the frame — Thank You!
Good God people ! They are just trying to take care of their problem. Obviously you do not have that problem or you do not have a pool. I dont want to hurt or kill them either but thank you one and all for some solutions. We just recently put a pool in and every damn one of them are now in our yard. So those of you who do not like the outcome. Cest la vie baby !!
Try salt
Okay-I meant to leave more-I waged war on toads in TX. The tads kill the koi by making them sick. Some fish yak them up or spit them out but if they don’t the tads poison them. I use salt around the pond and the buggers jump into the pond. I net them and twist them in the net, salt them and “marinate” for awhile. They die pretty quick. The salt won’t harm your fish. You can net a truckload a night and things are much quieter here now. The eggs were contaminating and stinking up the front yard and the pond. I tried relocation, but they came back with their friends.
Someone should experiment with high pitched noises (akin to dog whistles) and report back on whether they cannt stand any particular frequency. Really any idea that doesnt reiterate the above comments would be appreciated, and bonus points if you dont set off the rage chad and the fellow protectionists.
Such devices already exist and some do hold a frequency which is effective on frogs and toads. They are very humane and do no harm to frogs and toads. In fact, some o these devices deter insects as well. I’ve seen them for as little as $40 and less when on sale. There are similar models fit rodents. They best are the ones which allow you to vary frequency until you find one that works. Since amphibian hearing isvery different and significantly less complex than that of mammals what works for mice or bats does not work for frogs. The ones that claim they work for everything but have no frequency adjustment have a reputation of not being effective on anything but I have yet to try such a model.
Yep, and after all the gimmicks, and the relocations, which I have tried, they keep coming back. C’est la vie.
I was cutting the grass on friday, I stopped to pickup all the wall nuts that fell and while doing so i saw a tiny (size of a finger nail) tree frog so I stuck him in the garden, when I got back, I noticed more, and more, and more… tons of them!! i had to stop cutting the lawn for fear of killing them, on saturday they were still there, coming out of the swamp in my woods i presume..(?) Anyhow by sunday late afternoon they had migrated into the backyard.. w have never had this before, we usually have tons of toads but not tree frogs, not like this anyhow. is this some type of seasonal migration? where are they all going? Maybe to the “Vibes” concert in Bridgeport? lol
..oh yeah and when I saw them all i could think of were the words of the late comedian Mitch Hedburg: ” if I see a frog I would be like, hey, here comes that frog, I hope he settles near me so I can pet him, and put him in a mayonaise jar, with a stick and a leaf so i can recreate what he’s used to’
I am a northerner, transplanted to the Caribbean about 25 years ago. I have numerous tree frogs, and although I do not care for them to get into the house ( very seldom), their noise does not bother me. It is the crapo frog ( as it is called here) that scares me witless. They do give off a poison which is deadly to dogs. I am a responsible pet owner and always keep an eye on my dogs when we go for a nighttime “wee”. The crapos sit around my fish pond and the stench they emit is unbearable. They urinate on my veranda and within a few minutes the scent has penetrated my house. I was told to shake salt on them but the first time I did this, the silly thing jumped into my fishpond, washing off the salt. My gardener has chopped six in the last 2 weeks but he is only here during the day so he hunts for them. I am terrified to chop them but am willing to try some of the earlier suggestions. Will fill my sprayer with bleach tomorrow night and hope that will help to get rid of them.
Toads are dangerous to your dog. I had to take my cocker to the vet because one spit on him. The vet said that a toad can kill a dog.
@Virginia. With all due respect you are either making this up or your vet is an idiot. I would love to know exactly what species of toad “spits” as that would be new to science. For a toad to poison tour dog, your dog would have to come in contact with the paratoid glands which are located on the upper part of the back just behind the eyes and tympanum. At best this sounds like an old wives’ tale but if your vet did actually tell you that then I recommend a new vet.
The frogs and/or toads that you have are native to that area. They lived there before any people lived there, so YOU are intruding on THEIR home. Frogs and toads are endangered in most areas and you should be lucky to have such important members of the earth there. “Getting rid of them” is likely an offense.
Just a quick reminder folks that bleach is a human carcinogen.
I live in South Carolina and have a fog problem. I do not mind them in the yard but last week when I was not home, a frog jumped into my $800 window air conditioner unit and it burnt up the motor, and killed the frog. I just replaced the air conditioner and last night I heard thump thump coming out of my new air conditioner. Went outside and found a much smaller frog that met his death in the fan blades. I was able to save this air conditioner and have been claning out dead frog particles all morning. I don’t want to kill frogs, but do want them to stay away from my window units. Any ideas? Thanks.
everyone has a conservation area or morain around find out where that is and the park people will allow you to leave your frogs/toads there as long as they have a new home they will not be back at yours
We just moved into this house a month ago, The frogs are driving me crazy! Someone please help I cant even get in and out for the frogs! I live in VA are the frogs poison here?
There are no poisonous frogs in North America let alone in VA so you needn’t worry. The pickerel frog has a mild toxin in it’s skin but they are rare. It might make you eyes itch if you were to handle the frog then rub you eyes without washing your hands. The paratoid gland on some toads can be toxic to small dogs if
consumed but casual contact is not an issue.
There is a lot of misinformation on here about frogs and some flat out sick and cruel people on here so I would take some suggestions with a grain of salt.
There are some ultrasonic devices that will deter
frogs. The smell of vinegar also tends to deter them. Eliminating areas of standing water or
heavy moisture will also help. Frogs need two things: water and food. If opportunities for both
are gone then the frogs will move on.
Many frog species are in drastic decline due to a number of factors. Further destruction of their numbers is not recommended. Also a number of species are protected. VA has some pretty strict laws. With the number of reptile and amphibian enthusiasts out there it would be pretty easy to find someone to just collect them from your property in order to relocate them.
Hey guys. I don’t have a serious frog problem, but it is a problem. Everynight, at least three frogs stick to my window & make noise ALL NIGHT. I’ve also had two frogs in the house. My mother killed one & the other one was found dead. I have NO idea how these things are getting in. I absolutley love frogs but this is too annoying. I read someone’s post about the saltwater. I will try spraying my bedroom net with it tomorrow. Hopefully it works :(. I hope you all get rid of your frog problems soon ! xx.
I just saw like 3 or 4 hundred plus cricket frogs jumping in front of my townehome and hopping up and down my street and in my parking place.I thought it was a plague.Luckily the frog is the Egyptian God of fertility and life.When the Egyptian nile overflowed with water and gave life to barron lands millions of frogs would be born, that is why they were connected to fertility and life. But still is wierd. I have never seen that many before.
I live in Jhb, SA, I’ve been trying desperately to find frogs for my garden pond, so if anyone has too many and would like to get rid of some, pls let me know, I’d love to take some off your hands.
@Chad I believe Virginia is referring to cane toads. Check out the info on
Thanks for all the advice, folks. I too have had little sleep for the past few weeks because of loud frogs in my new pond. I don’t want to kill them, but sleep deprivation (a real probability) may change my mind very soon.
How do you get rid of frogs out of a septic tank??????
My 6 months old puppy just passed away because he ate a frog. It was too late to save him by the time we noticed it. How do i get rid of these frogs? Iam so dissapointed. I love mt pets, they are a part of my family.
hi i have the same thing once every 2 or3 nights I have to go out side and get all the frogs witch can some time be breeding so I have to get the eggs. I just court one and there is still one to catch. my family calls me the fog hunter and my frogs look like the one in the picture. I take them down to the creek to relocate them. The frogs crocking right now RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGG. I can never get to sleep and i have school. I all so catch tadpoles there cute.
We should do some thing about this.
so to recap: Sulpher powder, salt rocks, salt water spray, vinegar spray, and bleach spray will all work at getting rid of frogs? If anyone finds a high pitch device to detur them please post the brand and where to get it here! I have also heard that putting out moth balls will keep them away but you have to be careful about plants.
They are frogs ,they have no reasoning to their brain,if they did they wouldnt come in my yard,I remember frog giggin as a child alotta fun, people eat frogs, my dogs kill them daily,my son and his friend think its fun to kill the frogs around the pool, hes nine hes a boy thats what they do,their not being raised to hate its a frog…some of these comments are so stupid.I know you all out there are not on strict veggie only diets.. so kill the flippin frogs have a good night sleep..and for those of you that cant stand the thought of harmin the pest…put up a no trespassing sign if that doesnt work…call the law, press charges…lmao
If you have pets, SALT WATER is your best bet. spray salt water on any concreat surface. Not too close to grass or plants, it will kill them. The salt will burn there feet but not kill them. do this for 2 weeks every night and your problem will go away. You can thank me latter.
Finally, a comment WORTH approving. That’s a cool tip. Thanks…
I have a problem with frogs getting in my garage when the door is open at night and then when i close the door to lock up for the night, the frogs die in the garage and start to smell. I am going to try the salt and water solution and see if that does the trick. Thanks.
I have used this method in the past…get bags of Salt(home depot)and sprinkle on the ground.It irritates them so they go somewhere else.It isn’t inhumane and you can finally gey some sleep.I was not feeling well and our pond turned green so I cut the grass down short and am going to try this today.Will let yoi know what happens :o)
Has anyone tried to spray frogs with ammonia to stun them so you can catch them or get rid of them forever?
I have a friend who has rigged up a long pole, kind of like a pool stick and he put a long metal kind of nail in the stick. He goes out at night with a bucket and a flash light and stabs the frogs and puts them in the bucket. What he does with them after that, I don’t know. It’s become quite a sport for him. Those toads that shoot poison into a dog’s eyes, nose and mouth are very, very toxic to your pets. I hate them.
This may help some folks and not send frog lovers into apoplexy. I have a 3 level re-circulating concrete pond (about 360 gallons). I live at 6,000 feet in No. Arizona and when we built the pond we never thought frog noise would be a problem where we live. There are no plants or critters in the pond. It was built only for the soothing sound of a creek or waterfall pond. Unfortunately, obnoxiously loud frogs discovered the pond after the first year. They kept coming back so I eventually drained the pond but it REALLY annoyed me that I was losing a battle to frogs. Even after a particularly cold, freezing winter they were back in the spring. I didn’t want to put poisonous chemicals in the water because birds use the pond for water.
Then, I woke up in the middle of the night with an epiphany…the Shop-Vac (industrial, water-safe vacuum cleaner). Just as it gets dark and the croaking begins I shine a bright flashlight on the frog so that they can’t see me and they freeze in place. Then, I use my Shop-Vac to vacuum them up. Don’t freak out. I put a mesh netting between the flexible vacuum hose and the plastic wand that goes on the end of the hose. Then once the little croakers are vacuumed up I take off the wand and the frog(s) is trapped in the netting. People who hate them can kill them or, like me, you can relocate them where they’ll annoy some other poor soul. Get ’em early or you’ll have a pond full of tadpoles. Good Luck.
I am going to try the spray salt ideas made above as perhaps this will minimize my vacuum efforts.
P.S. It is strange to me that the people who post here and purport to be the most “caring” about the life of a frog make the most personal and hateful comments about their fellow humans. Odd indeed.
To all who want to spray saltwater,
My girlfriend sprayed the top step of the ladder of the pool, with salt water, the frogs immediately used it as a perch. And no, there was absolutely no water that washed the step off……DEBUNKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
White vinegar actually does kill frogs, or at least tree frogs, and toads too. We have an egress window and by the middle of summer it has hundreds of frogs, salamanders and a toad or two in there. Since I don’t want them to end up in my basement and it’s just plain creepy I have been known to pour a gallon of straight white vinegar in there and it kills them. It wasn’t my intention the first time I did it but I admit I have done it again since then just because it kills them and they don’t come back again for a long time. Since I now know that it will kill everything I fish the salamanders out of there first.
Here in a little town called Six Mile in South Carolina near University there are butt loads of tree frogs and they have been getting in my pool (above ground) and laid eggs. To take care of eggs in pool is too shock it with 3lbs of shock and keep chlorine level high and add 3 cups of straight bleach. Now for the little big mouth frogs the salt water only works on spraying them directly but they hide in support beams during day and come out at night. So, I am gonna try spraying straight bleach to the support beams caps and in beam and then plug the beam with old cut up sheets or some kind of cloth to prevent them getting out and others getting in. Hope this works.. 😉
I have a bathroom that is on the other end of the house and is not used much, imagine my surprise when I found a frog living in the toilet bowl, seems he got there by way of the vent on the roof to the toilet, tree frog lives in majestic pines, they fall from pines on roof which is extremely hot, frog hops on pipe that vents the gases from toilet to get off the hot roof and falls down the hole and finds a nice little pond, my toilet. I used screen on the pipe, still allows toilet to vent but keeps pesky frogs from getting in. Now…. what to do about the frogs hanging out by the door…smh
This is for those of us who live in the South Eastern U.S., particularly Florida (and possibly those in the Caribbean). I just spoke with someone from the University of Florida Agricultural Extension Services Office who directed me to this website. This is some of the information that I thought worth sharing. BOTTOM LINE: IF it is indeed the Cuban tree frog, extermination is the ONLY option as they are invasive. Sorry to all the frog lovers but this came from the people who study these nasty guys. Hope you get as much information from it as I did. Sorry the links didn’t copy well but cut/paste should work.
The Cuban Treefrog (Osteopilus septentrionalis) in Florida
The Cuban Treefrog, Osteopilus septentrionalis is native to Cuba, the Isle of Youth (an island province of Cuba also known as Isle of Pines), the Cayman Islands, and the Bahamas. It is an introduced species in Florida, and the earliest confirmed records date to the 1920s in the Florida Keys. The first Cuban Treefrogs in Florida likely arrived as stowaways in shipping crates originating from the Caribbean. By the mid-1970s, they had dispersed throughout most of southern Florida. As of 2013, there are established breeding populations as far north as Cedar Key on Florida’s Gulf Coast, Jacksonville on the Atlantic Coast, and Gainesville in north-central Florida. This species certainly has the potential to expand its range in Florida and the Southeast, and isolated individuals have been documented in coastal South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas, as well as several counties in the panhandle of Florida during the past decade or so. Cuban Treefrogs spread by hitchhiking on ornamental plants, motorized vehicles, boats, etc. The Cuban Treefrog is considered an invasive species in Florida. The ultimate distribution of Cuban Treefrogs in Florida and the southeastern United States will likely be dictated by climate… An unusually long period of cold temperatures in January of 2010 appears to have killed many Cuban Treefrogs in peninsular Florida, but the population decline was only a temporary setback for this invasive frog. Cuban Treefrog populations appear to have rebounded throughout the peninsula and are likely to continue to expand their range into Florida’s panhandle and beyond.
Identifying Cuban Treefrogs: The Cuban Treefrog is a member of the frog family Hylidae. All of Florida’s treefrogs, including Cuban Treefrogs, have expanded pads on the ends of their toes that allow them to climb trees, shrubs, windows, and buildings. Their toe pads help distinguish treefrogs from other frogs such as toads and aquatic frogs like bullfrogs. Cuban Treefrogs have exceptionally large toepads as compared to Florida’s native treefrogs.. The toepads of the Cuban Treefrog are exceptionally large in comparison to the toepads of native treefrog species.
Cuban Treefrogs are the largest species of treefrog in Florida, and adult females may exceed 6 inches in length. Most Cuban Treefrogs, however, range from 1–4 inches long. They have very large eyes, giving them a somewhat “bug-eyed” appearance. They usually have rough or warty skin, sometimes have a pattern of large wavy markings or blotches on their back, and frequently have stripes or bands on the dorsal surface of their legs. The colors of Cuban Treefrogs vary a lot. Most often they are creamy white to light brown, although they can be green, gray, beige, yellow, dark brown, or a combination of these colors. They have a yellowish wash where their front and rear legs are attached to their body. Several of Florida’s native treefrogs superficially resemble Cuban Treefrogs. These frogs, like Cuban Treefrogs, also show considerable variation in colors and markings, but generally are smaller and have smaller eyes. Therefore, it can be difficult to distinguish native treefrogs from invasive Cuban Treefrogs. two native species most likely to be found with Cuban Treefrogs are the Squirrel Treefrog and the Barking Treefrog. Both of these native species are usually colored dull to bright green and have skin that lacks distinct warts. Barking Treefrogs may also be brown and usually have numerous large spots visible on their backs. They are a rotund frog with granular skin and may grow to 2.5 inches long. Squirrel Treefrogs only grow to 1.5 inches, but their colors and markings vary considerably. For details and images of Florida’s treefrogs, and to learn how to differentiate them, please visit the UF Wildlife website at and follow the “Florida Frogs†link in the left hand column. Also visit the websites listed at the end of this document to find additional digital images of Cuban and native treefrogs. Like our native treefrogs, Cuban Treefrogs are excellent climbers and will climb high into trees where they sleep during the day. They may also be found closer to the ground in small trees and shrubs. They have even been found buried several inches deep in dry soil. Also like our native treefrogs, Cuban Treefrogs are most active at night when they come out from daytime hiding places to feed and reproduce.
Invasive Cuban Treefrogs eat a wide variety of food items, including snails, millipedes, spiders, and a vast array of insects. They are predators of several of Florida’s native frogs and are cannibalistic. They are also known to eat lizards and even small snakes. Fortunately, several species of native snakes will eat Cuban Treefrogs, including rat snakes, black racers, pygmy rattlesnakes, and garter snakes. Owls, crows, and wading birds have also been seen feeding on Cuban Treefrogs.
Cuban Treefrogs breed predominately in the spring and summer, but in southern Florida they can breed year-round. Reproduction is largely stimulated by rainfall, especially warm summer rains such as those associated with tropical weather systems and intense thunderstorms. The number of eggs deposited by a female is related to her size—larger females lay more eggs. A very large female may lay in excess of 15,000 eggs in one season. Cuban Treefrogs are not picky about their breeding sites, as long as the sites lack predatory fish, such as bass and bream. Acceptable breeding sites include isolated wetlands, ditches, decorative ponds, and even swimming pools that are neglected. Cuban Treefrogs can breed in surprisingly small amounts of water. An old ice chest or child’s wading pool half full of water are suitable nurseries for Cuban Treefrog tadpoles to develop into frogs.
Male Cuban Treefrogs have a fairly distinct call that sounds like a squeaking door and has also been described as a “snoring rasp”. Visit the websites listed at the end of this document to find links to recordings of Cuban Treefrog calls. In addition to their breeding calls, individual males will also call from daytime retreat sites to advertise their presence. This “rain call,” as it is sometimes called, can be triggered by light rainfall during the day.
Although they are not nearly as toxic as Cane Toads (also known as the invasive Bufo toad), Cuban Treefrogs have a sticky skin secretion that is extremely irritating to the mucous membranes of people, such as the eyes and nose. The secretions cause a burning and itching sensation that can last for more than an hour. This can be especially problematic for people who suffer from asthma or allergies, in which case full recovery from the ill effects of the frog’s skin secretions may take several hours. Therefore, it is always a good idea to wash your hands thoroughly after handling a Cuban Treefrog. Better yet, wear rubber gloves when handling or attempting to capture Cuban Treefrogs. There do not appear to be any documented deaths or serious injuries of pets from ingesting or attempting to eat a Cuban Treefrog. However, there are reports of excessive salivation and even seizures by pets that have tangled with these noxious frogs, so dogs and cats should be kept away from them.
Unlike many invasive insect pests and invasive plants, Cuban Treefrogs do not currently appear to be having any large-scale negative effects on Florida’s economy. Nonetheless, they are known to get into transformer boxes and electrical switches and occasionally cause short-circuits. This increases maintenance costs for electrical utility companies, and power to some customers in central Florida has been interrupted as a result of short-circuits in disconnect switches caused by Cuban Treefrogs. They may also invade electric water pump housings and AC compressor units around residential homes, potentially causing damage. As Cuban Treefrog populations continue to expand, this may eventually be a large-scale issue. Cuban Treefrog perched on a wasp nest attached to a 12,470-volt substation circuit breaker. Fortunately, this frog did not cause a short-circuit.
There are several things Floridians can do to help manage invasive Cuban Treefrogs and to help scientists at the University of Florida track their spread in the state and elsewhere. You can help advance our knowledge about the geographic distribution of this invasive species by reporting your sightings (see below) of Cuban Treefrogs. As Cuban Treefrogs continue to expand their range, precise tracking of their status and distribution is imperative for decision-making and resource management. In addition to helping track the expansion of their range, you can also help manage this invasive species in and around your yard. Because Cuban Treefrogs eat our native frogs and other wildlife, it is important that we take action to manage them and reduce their negative impacts on our native ecology. Managing Cuban Treefrogs will also help reduce their negative impacts on the quality of life of Floridians. Benefits will be greatest in the immediate area around where the frogs are managed (i.e., your yard). See below for suggestions on how to reduce the negative effects caused by Cuban Treefrogs on Florida’s native wildlife and your quality of life. To report the presence of Cuban Treefrogs on your property, please send an e-mail message to Dr. Steve A. Johnson of the University of Florida at Please be sure to include the county where the frog was seen and a street address of the location (for mapping purposes). When possible, please take a digital picture of the frog and include the image as an attachment in your e-mail message. This will allow Dr. Johnson to positively identify the frog and provide a confirmed record for our archives.
Because of the destructive effects of invasive Cuban Treefrogs on Florida’s native species, as well as the problems they cause for people, we recommend that Cuban Treefrogs be captured and humanely euthanized. However, before you euthanize a Cuban Treefrog, be sure that you are positive about its identification (please visit the UF Wildlife website at for identification tips and to see digital images of Cuban Treefrogs and native species). Visit the program’s website at and start submitting your information—it’s free. At the site you will find lots of helpful information about catching, identifying, and reporting Cuban Treefrogs. To humanely euthanize a Cuban Treefrog, you must first capture it; there are several effective methods for doing this. The first is to simply grab the frog from a window, wall, or other perch site. Be sure to wear rubber gloves or use a plastic grocery bag as a glove. Approach quickly and decisively, and with a continuous, swift movement firmly grab the frog. Another way to capture Cuban Treefrogs in order to eliminate them from your property is to attract the frogs to hiding places where they can be easily captured and removed. To do this, simply place short sections of PVC pipe in the ground around your home and garden cut 1.5–inch-diameter PVC pipe into approximately three-foot-long sections. Cuban Treefrogs may show up in the pipes in a few days, depending on the weather, time of year, and the density of frogs in your immediate area. In some situations it may take several weeks for frogs to find the pipes, so be patient. To remove a frog from a pipe, place a clear sandwich bag over the top end, pull the pipe from the ground, and insert a broom handle or other “plunger” device in the other end to scare the frog into the sandwich bag. (Gently herd the frog and avoid touching it with the plunger.) Once it’s in the bag, examine the frog to be sure that it is an invasive Cuban Treefrog and not a native species. Euthanize Cuban Treefrogs as described below and release native frogs back into the pipe. (PVC pipes provide great artificial habitats for native treefrogs and can help enhance the wildlife value of your garden.) For more details on using PVC pipes to provide habitat for native treefrogs, see the University of Florida/IFAS fact sheet on making treefrog houses by Monica McGarrity and Dr. Steve Johnson ( To euthanize a Cuban Treefrog, hold the frog firmly in your gloved hand and apply a 1-inch stripe of benzocaine ointment along the back of the frog. Benzocaine ointment is a topical anesthetic (a numbing agent) used to treat skin pain (e.g., from sunburn) and itching as well as toothaches and sore throats. There are a variety of name brand and generic versions that are available over-the-counter in a tube or spray. If you are able to, using a gloved finger spread the ointment out on the frog’s back. Alternatively, you could use a benzocaine spray. Once the ointment or spray is applied, place the frog in a plastic grocery bag or a sealable sandwich bag for 15–20 minutes so that the benzocaine has a chance to render the frog unconscious (be sure to seal the bag or tie it closed). After the benzocaine has anesthetized the frog, place the bag in a freezer overnight to ensure that the frog is dead, and then throw it out in your trash. If you are unable to apply benzocaine to the frog, you can simply put it in a plastic bag, seal or tie the bag shut, and then place it in the freezer overnight—dispose of the bag and the frog in the trash the next day. Do not throw a bagged frog into the trash without euthanizing it first. Remember, Cuban Treefrogs have a noxious skin secretionm so be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after you handle the frog, even if you wear gloves or use a plastic bag.
Visit for additional information and guidance.
Carmichael, P. and W. Williams. 2004. Florida’s Fabulous Reptiles and Amphibians. Tampa, FL: World Publications. 120 pp. ISBN: 0-911977-11-2. This is an excellent coffee-table book with wonderful pictures and good information.
Conant, R. and J.T. Collins. 1998. Reptiles and Amphibians: Eastern/Central North America. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company. 450 pp. ISBN: 0-395-90452-8. This is the standard field guide for many herpetologists and covers hundreds of species of amphibians and reptiles.
Meshaka, W. E. Jr., B.P. Butterfield, and J.B. Hauge. 2004. The Exotic Amphibians and Reptiles of Florida. Malabar, FL: Krieger Publishing Company. 155 pp. ISBN: 1-57524-042-4. This book contains species accounts for most of the nonindigenous species of amphibians and reptiles in Florida.
Florida Wildlife Extension website Click the link to “Wildlife Information,” and then find the link to the “Frogs & Toads of Florida” page. In addition to information on Florida’s frogs, there are also links to many other useful, wildlife-related resources at the site.
Dr. Steve Johnson’s website Click the links for “Florida’s Frogs,” “Invasive Cuban Treefrog.” This website contains images and identification tips for of all of Florida’s frogs as well as access to recordings of the calls of the species, including the Cuban Treefrog.
We have the exact same problem: incredibly loud noise, 10-20 dead/live frogs a day, just generally yucky. After extensive research, I’ve come to realize that the answer is there’s nothing practical you can do. Lots and lots of web sites are full of the same worthless advice repeated ad nauseum, and some of the “answers” (and I’m being quite generous by using that term) border on the ridiculous: a solid wall around the pool (yeah, how lovely), spray salt or vinegar around the pool (and kill my pets and all the landscaping–do these boneheads think my pool is in the middle of a parking lot?), remove the plants (see previous idiotic idea), apply a sheet of plastic to the bottom 18″ of the fence around the pool each evening before dusk, then remove it each morning (I won’t even comment), keep the chemical level correct (yeah, I do that, but turns out the frogs don’t know there’s chlorine ’till they jump in, and then it’s too late—I’d post a sign warning them of the dangers of chlorine, but I’m pretty sure frogs can’t read). One site also advised that snakes eat frogs, but didn’t elaborate on any practical application of that little gem of knowledge. The most outlandish “answer” actually suggested I might want to GET RID OF THE WATER. That’s right. That’s actually what it said. I have to admit, that probably would, in fact, work, but did the author of that brainstorm even remotely consider that having NO FRIGGIN’ WATER in my pool might ever-so-slightly diminish the reason I have one in the first place? I wonder what that nosebleed thought I might use as a replacement? Shaving cream? The bouncy balls in those inflatable castles? Pudding? It’s the one thing I so dearly love about the internet: self-proclaimed “experts” get to smugly post their moronic brain-dead rantings that arise out of absolutely ZERO expertise on the subject at hand, and then they sit back, pat themselves on the back, feeling so-o-o-o good about themselves because they’ve “helped” some poor hapless schlub like me whose life is now so-o-o-o much better thanks to them. Well, I may have strayed a teensy bit off topic, but you’re likely stuck manually removing frogs daily, unless of course you want to try that whole snake idea!
Get rid of the frog sporn in the Spring that curtails the little darlings Or take them to the
nearest lake God sent a plague of frogs to Egypt when Pharaoh wouldn’ let the Israelites
go.Horrible little creatures.
Frogs like bugs so deter the bugs first-put yellow lights up outside instead of white: fewer bugs, fewer frogs. If their sound keeps you awake, get a white-noise machine. The frogs will ALWAYS be around in certain environments. Can’t stand that? Move to the desert. Then you can whine and moan about the cicadas, scorpions, etc. Don’t poison things!!! Not smart!
You are promoting negativity with your posts on killing animals. Frogs are beneficial and environmental Indicators. When they are all dead, so are we. Science 101 you idiot!
We are destroying the habitat for every living creature and stupid enough to think they are the problem. How do you sleep at night?
You’re right, killing frogs is bad. So is killing anything. But, when they’re floating in your swimming pool or sitting on the couch in your lounge, you need to get rid of the frogs. Humanely is best of course.
Full strength apple cider vinegar did the trick for me. Sprayed it right from by bedroom window to the pool area, stopped the noise immediatey.
I’ve just read many of these comments, complaints, possible reasons for all the frogs and possible solutions. I also have a problem getting into my home because their is always a frog of different sizes sitting on my front door light (it’s motion sensitive so almost never on), on my steps, on the house and or on my car. I don’t have ANY water source outside of my home, or near by. There is no food of any kind left outside. Trees are not very near by. There is no reason for frogs to be outside my home. Two years ago their were frogs in my master bath room. After some research I had a handyman go up on my roof and install chicken wire around all of the vents, no frogs in the bathroom since then, and I hope their never will be. As for the outside, I guess I’m going to have to spray bleach again because I almost fell down the stairs the other night when one jumped toward me when I tried to shoo it away. (it seemed to work last time I had this problem but it did discolor the light). I also am not looking to kill them but I have a serious phobia to any insect or any thing that crawls hops or flies 😬😬😬. I can’t even stand to be outside during love bug season😀😬😀😬😀😀😬😀😬
So, you have a phobia to any insect that crawls, hops or flies? I have a solution for you – FROGS 😛
They’re good at eating all those insects.
Now, if only they didn’t come INSIDE the house (or too close), life would be easier!
I just read an article the University of Florida and it said to get rid of the Cuban Tree frog, You should wear gloves and grasp the frog Firmly but not too tight, and to put benzocaine appointment on the top of its head and put it in a Ziploc. This should humanely euthanized the frog within a few minutes.
fyi, frogs under a home or mobile home crawlspace is never good, because of danger of snakes, , and they are so small, they can squeeze in small tight spaces, even enclosed crawl, so for fake ass greeny weeneies, who have no real world experience, , drop dead., real people have to have real solutions, , no one wants to crawl under a mobile home crawl and find snakes, , so add real to discussion or shut up., ps. pesticides are too dangerous, to use down there, , , and we all wish diatomateous earth would kill them, large , low area crawlspaces, , lots of well placed sticky traps, , , well lit, make sure no other down there while your workin