Here are some interesting news and web articles/stories for this week:
The Toronto Star talks about an 80%/20% theory. This is where 80% of your room can be in one certain style, where everything blends, and then you have the other 20% which deviates from this style. This can relieve the boredom in a room that otherwise might end up lacking any “personality”.
There are a few examples, and one that I like talks about lighting. You could add 20% artistic lighting using table lamps, wall sconces, or art lights to add a but of flare to the other 80% of the general ambient light…
Windy City Times responds to a letter on how to start a kitchen overhaul. Some things that are mentioned are:
- How much are you willing to spend?
- Look at your workspace and see what you need to do to make it ideal for you
- Choose your Appliances, etc. according to your personal choice.
It really is quite an interesting read…
LA has an article about the Maison & Objet design show in Paris. Quite an interesting looking design show, and I really must recommend you go if you have the spare cash to get there. Of course, take a check book, because shopping will get expensive. I mean, the article mentions a “bubble” that can sit in your sit in your living room, and, when open, converts into a small, modern kitchen, costing only $35,000. I think I’ll buy one for my mother for Christmas. 😉
If you’re into specialty fabric and sewing, look out for a Hancock store near you (in the United States). According to Picayune Item local news, they’re shutting down 50 underperforming stores. Each of these stores will be having a “Going out of business” sale, which should mean great deals for customers. Sorry about the 600 people losing their jobs, though.