When travelling recently, I stayed in a hotel room that REALLY impressed me. Forget the fact that it had free hot chocolate in the room, or heated mirrors in the bathroom (something I REALLY want). The bedroom had a Plasma TV mounted on the wall.
In my mind, a Plasma Television mounted on the wall in a bedroom saves an ENORMOUS amount of space. ESPECIALLY if it has a built DVD player, like this one had, which slides out from the side.
Of course, Plasma TVs are not exactly the cheapest way to put a TV in your room, but if space is limited, you can very easily mount it on the wall. But, if you have cupboards in front of your bed, and you don’t mind a bit of manual labour, another method to make your bedroom look cool is to build in a TV INTO the cupboard, making the screen flush with the cupboard doors. I also saw this in a hotel room, and had to look closely to realise that we didn’t have a fancy Flat-Screen TV