Create a Focal Point

This applies everywhere:

  • Entrance Room
  • Front Door
  • Garden
  • Lounge
  • Bedroom

PictureFocalPoint1.jpgTake a look at this photo. The room is quite small, but as soon as you walk in the door, you’re looking at the picture on the wall. Then, you look at the cushion on the bed. This has all kept your eyes left, and you’ve missed the fact that there isn’t much space. (Well, you the reader have had no choice to look left, that’s how i took the photo).

There are a number of ways to do this.

  1. Use an architectural feature – For example, a fireplace, or a defining Window
  2. Use flowers as a focal point – Read this post for an idea on pot plants
  3. Use artwork – You can use paintings, or decorative vases

The point of a focal point (no pun intended) is to give your eye something to look at as soon as you walk into a room or an area. If your eye is immediately attracted to an appealing image, well, let’s just remember the phrase “first impressions last”. But a focal point can also help reduce clutter. It can help you overlook the business of a room, by giving you a point of reference.

Just remember, don’t try to make a minor feature a focal point, when there is something distracting close by. A tiny pot plant underneath a Picasso painting will just not do it…

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