Don’t quote me on the title, but the SH’Zen product “The Refining Balm for hands” worked like a miracle cure for me.
I’ve written this post in case there are any husbands out there complaining about their wives spending too much money on Sh’Zen products. You’ll read how I definitely didn’t like the SH’Zen idea, to really liking one of their products. It’s long, so if you want, you can just skipt to the section titled “the hand cream works” near the bottom.
A little background on the issue
I’ve spent the last 3 weeks travelling all over the U.S. with my wife and our friends.
I’m not sure if it was all the travelling in planes, the lack of proper sleep, the amount of alcohol consumed (for a typical “non-drinker”), but whatever the cause, my hands started to peal REALLY badly.
It doesn’t sound too appealing (pardon the pun), but it looked like I was shedding my skin like a snake.
Enter my wife’s plea for me to try the SH’Zen hand cream.
First, a little background of why I hadn’t used it before:
SH’Zen and Amway seem similar!
SH’Zen is sold in a similar fashion to Amway products. If you haven’t heard of Amway, that’s a good thing, but chances are you’ve been approached by someone who wants you to “join their winning team of sales people and make MILLIONS selling a great product“. For those who don’t know, Amway is sold using a pyramid scheme where you sell to somebody, who sells to somebody else, who sells to somebody else, etc., and the more people underneath you, the more profit you make.
BUT, it’s really hard (in my opinion) to make a lot of money unless:
1 – You get into the game early and have lots of people who you sell to
2 – You have killer selling skills and absolutely no problem with rejection from people like me who are sick of hearing about how much money you can make.
Why is SH’Zen different to Amway?
I guess for me the reason SH’Zen is different is due to how it was first “sold” to my wife.
She attended a baby shower and the hostess had organised a SH’Zen party where a representative came round and showed the ladies how to give themselves manicures and pedicures. There was no pressure to buy the product (though obviously people tend to from some sort of guilt), but best of all, NOBODY was encouraged to SELL the product or to become a salesperson and make MILLIONS!!!
My wife LOVES SH’Zen
Ok, here’s the part where I laugh often enough. My wife absolutely SWEARS by SH’Zen. I tease her about it because I don’t really believe that you can get rid of cellulite using a cream (or whatever it is she uses), but she reckons it works (and I guess maybe it DOES contribute to the lack of cellulite, but don’t tell anybody I said that).
She also loves all the creams and lotions and bath salts, etc… She loves them so much that she was trying to sneak them in her bag for our trip overseas. But obviously, due to weight limitations (and the friendliness of the American airport security staff), I convinced her it was overkill. So she just took a few creams and her SH’Zen cellulite sponge.
My Brother loves SH’Zen
Ok, now for something that made me laugh quite a bit. My brother’s not a softy by any means, but when my mother bought him some cream of some sort from SH’Zen, she had turned him into a convert as well. And I mock him for it. Especially the way he raves about it (almost going as far as to say “because I’m worth it“, but not quite).
The hand cream works
So, I tried the SH’Zen “Refining Balm for hands” that my wife had, and went to bed.
I swear on my life, my hands were “cured” the next day. It seriously amazed me. It still does, I guess, because there’s no way for me to understand how it worked so quickly.
But it did, and now my wife will have to purchase extra tubes of the hand cream for me. I can’t say that I’m that much of a fan for the smell of the cream, but I guess it’s not perfumed as much as others, which is cool. It just smells like cream.
The products aren’t really cheap (though maybe from a female’s perspective they are), but at least I know the hand cream works.
Just don’t expect me to start using the Cellulite Cream and sponge any time soon! 😉