Wedding Photography in South Africa – Review

Wedding Photography in South Africa - An example photo of a headshotThis isn’t really a product review, but I’d really like to show people the skill of a Wedding Photographer here in South Africa by the name of Adam Hilton. You can view his site here:

Adam Hilton Wedding Photography

Normally, when you want a wedding photographer, you shop around, looking at the various portfolios, etc. But, the MAIN problem with this is that the photographer might have only ONE good photo at any wedding, and they could put this into the portfolio. In my mind, the photographs are right up their with the Bride in importance for a wedding, so I was nervous about just using any wedding photographer.

Wedding Photography in South Africa - Black and White photography

We found Adam via a friend, after looking at their own Wedding Album. We were AMAZED at the fact that ALL their wedding photos were INCREDIBLE. This is probably the BEST way to find a wedding photographer, when you see a selection of over 100 photographs, and every one of them is excellent.

So, in this article are a few of the photos that I’m quite proud of, and I thought I would share them. Of course, you can also go to Adam’s website, as he has a nice gallery of his Wedding Photography there. And one of those photos is also from our wedding. 🙂

The artistry of Adam Hilton
Wedding Photography in South Africa - The venue

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