Bathroom Scents – Your Bathroom, Your Haven

Bathroom-Haven.jpgYour personal bathroom should be that place where you enjoy getting ready, relaxing and unwinding. It’s the small, personal touches that can make your bathroom your haven. This is the first of 2 articles on making your bathroom your haven, with this article focusing on adding scents to your bathroom…

If you enjoy bathing, as I do, then you need to make the area around your bath magical. I have put scented lemongrass crystals in a tiny porcelain bowl on the one corner of my bath. If the scent of the crystals wears out before you finish using them, then you can sprinkle lemongrass oil over the crystals. You’ll be amazed at the great, fresh scent in the bathroom.

I have also made use of 2 wrought-iron candle-stick holders in 2 opposite corners of the bath. It is a lot more relaxing to bath with the lights off and the candles lit, and if you use scented candles, possibly with the same scent as the crystals, it really can add to the ambience.

Scents can really help you relax while you are unwinding in the bath, and I hope this has given you ideas on how to use them in your bathroom


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